A repeat client purchased at auction a dilapidated detached house overlooking the beach in West Worthing. The location was ideal for a sizeable family home with a 150-ft. long plot size but the existing house was particularly unattractive and did not lend itself to economic refurbishment. Consequently, a decision was taken to demolish the existing house and apply for planning permission to develop a new family house on 3 floors with a roof terrace overlooking the beach and providing access to an outside sauna, hot-tub, and sun-lounge. The 1930’s art-deco / modernist heritage of Worthing inspired a modern reinterpretation of this context specific seaside architecture. It is rare for an Architect in the 21st century to find such a beautiful setting in which to design a sustainable family home.
Zero Carbon House, Islington, N7
A House for James Street Porter, Clerkenwell, EC1
Disability Family House, Frome, BA11